10% off
7 nights minimum stay breakfast included.
Total payment in cash.
Air condition,
free wi-fi, refrigerator, hair drier, 2 free welcome drinks, included in room amenities.
Ref# 102023
offer expires 20.05.
offer expires 20.05.
Loyalty 10% off
For repeater customers, once per year, through our website, 5 nights minimum, breakfast included.
Air condition,
free wi-fi, refrigerator, hair drier, 2 free welcome drinks, free towel for the sea or pool included in room amenities.
20% off
Pay in advance the total accomodation cost (for reservations made up to 30/4), no minimum stay in every type of room we provide, breakfast included.
Air condition,
free wi-fi, refrigerator, hair drier, 2 free welcome drinks, included in room amenities.